Waseem Akram attended the Indian TV show with his wife, Shaniera and he showed his romance with his wife. He attended the Indian show, ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ and the Pakistani legendary cricketer Waseem Akram proposed his wife, Shaniera in the Indian TV show and this TV show went on air on Sony Entertainment Television.
The host of the show, Kapil Sharma asked the question from Waseem Akram that he has showing the true love with her and he replied that he proposed her and he loved her very much. He said that he showed his true love with her and he did not propose any other girl before this but at the time of Shaniera, he has to make this decision to marry with her.
When he proposed her, he went down on his knees and presented flowers with ring to her and she accepted her offer and he felt satisfied over the acceptance of his proposal.