Top ranking of women players in ODI and T20 has also been announced by ICC recently. According to the top 10 batting list of ODI, the first 3 positions are respectively taken by M Raj of India with 735 points, M Lanning of Australia with 727 points and C Edwards of England with 723 points. S Taylor of England, S Taylor of West Indies, S Bates of New Zealand, H Kaur of India and D Dottin of West Indies are placed at 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th spot respectively while the two Australians J Cameron and A Blackwell are at the last two positions respectively.
ICC Player Rankings
Rank | Name | Country | Rating |
1 | M. Raj | IND | 735 |
2 | M.M. Lanning | AUS | 727 |
3 | C.M. Edwards | ENG | 723 |
4 | S.J. Taylor | ENG | 707 |
5 | S.R. Taylor | WI | 675 |
6 | S.W. Bates | NZ | 651 |
7 | H. Kaur | IND | 640 |
8 | D.J.S. Dottin | WI | 594 |
9 | J.E. Cameron | AUS | 580 |
10 | A.J. Blackwell | AUS | 561 |
Top 20 |