Karachi, Sri Lankan Cricket Chief said that they will send the best Sri Lankan to Pakistan to play the final T20i match against Pakistani in Lahore, which is scheduled on 29 October 2017. The Sri Lankan cricket board chief met with PCB chief in Auckland and he assured that he will send the same team to Pakistan to play the final T20i, which will play in UAE. They will send the security expert to Pakistan and after getting the approval from the government, they will send the team to Pakistan. He further added that being a parliamentarian, he will go to Dubai to watch T20i matches and after that he will go to Pakistan with his team and after playing the last T20i match against Pakistan, he will come back to Colombo with his team.
Sri Lanka has played the test series against Pakistan in which it defeated Pakistan in both test matches and it has done the white wash in the test series. Now both the teams are playing the one day international series against each other and they have played first ODI in which Pakistan defeated Sri Lanka by 83 runs on 13 October. The second ODI will be played on 16 October and after ODI series, both the team will face each other in the three T20i matches, in which two T20i matches will be played in UAE and final T20i will be played in Lahore on 29 October 2017.