After ODIs, Sri Lankan player Kumar Sangakkara has also announced his retirement from test cricket. He has already announced that after ICC WC 2015, he will retire from one day internationals. These days, the left handed batsman is in a very good form. He is the top scorer of world cup with 372 runs in 5 innings which also include three consecutive centuries. After scoring 104 runs against Australia, he also completed his 14000 runs in ODI Cricket. He told that he will get retirement from test cricket by the end of August this year. The 37 year old batsman will play his last 3 match test series against India which is scheduled in August 2015. His test career will end after August 2015 as he already announced that he will play test cricket till August this year. Sangakkara has so far played 130 test matches during which he scored 12203 runs with the help of 38 centuries and 51 half centuries with the average of 58.66. 319 is is highest score in test match cricket.
Sri Lanka Batsman Sangakkara declared retirement from test cricket