Lahore, Pakistan Cricket Board suspended two Pakistani leading players, Khalid Latif and Sharjeel Khan in the spot fixing case and now PCB has taken back the application to present these two players as witness. It is also said that the written application will be submitted on Friday.
Sharjeel Khan presented before the tribunal and after the proceeding, the lawyer of Sharjeel Khan talked with media and that PCB took the application back in which they are going to present these two cricketers as witness in the tribunal. He said that PCB is using the delaying tactics.
The legal advisor of PCB said that they took back the application temporarily. Sharjeel Khan has committed its mistakes and he also did not refuse from the evidences. The national crime agency of Great Britain contacted with the cricket board to hand over necessary proof to them. The board will collect these proofs very soon and they will make the case stranger against these cricketers.
PCB Took Application Back to Present Khalid and Sharjeel as Witness