Lahore, Chief of Pakistan Cricket Board, Shehryar Khan did a meeting with the officials of ICC in Dubai last week and he sent a proposal to them about the venues of the Pakistani matches during ICC Twenty20 world cup 2016. He said that he government has some concerns over these matches to be played in India as there are some security threats in India and Pakistani government does not allow his team to tour to India.
ICC T20 world cup 2016 will be played in India next month and it will be started from 08 March and final match will be played on 03 April. Pakistan cricket team will play its matches in India after getting necessary clearance from their government to play their matches as there are some security threats to the Pakistan cricket team.
He further added that he is seeking advice from the Pakistani government and looking for their decision and the government will give clearance to the team to tour to India. One of the officials of the ICC said that they can change the venue of the Pakistani matches, if there are some security threats to Pakistan. If Pakistani government will not give permission to Pakistani team to play India then they can change the venue of the matches of Pakistan cricket teams to any safe venue.