The marriage ceremony of pacer Junaid Khan was held on Monday while today the walima ceremony will be organized. The teams of print and electronic media arrived at the village of Junaid Khan in the morning for the coverage of barat and other marriage ceremonies. On 17th June, the nikah of Junaid Khan was held with the daughter of haji Matiullah in Bradford (UK). His new relatives belong to a village of Swabi. The barat ceremony was held according to the local traditions on Monday.
The barat of Junaid Khan comprised of nearly 100 cars. For the bride, the car was decorated with flowers. In the village of Junaid Khan, the walima ceremony will be held today. It is known that the ceremony will be very simple. Juanid Khan’s friends, fellow cricketers, social activists and leaders of different political parties will attend the walima ceremony.Junaid Khan got married in Swabi
Junaid Khan got married in Swabi