Amit Mishra the Indian leg spinner was taken into custody by the police on Tuesday for the case of reportedly assaulting a lady friend in Bangalore, reported by Express News. As per to the Indian media reports, for three hours he was interrogated before taking him into custody.
But the cricketer is going to be released soon as it was a bailable offence mentioned by the Bengaluru Deputy Commissioner Police Sandeep Patil.
Previous week the Indian police had issued a notice to the cricketer following a woman submitted a complaint of physical assault opposed to him.
The victim has alleged that she was assaulted by Mishra while she went to meet him in a hotel room on 25th of September.
The police officer included, “We have collected the CCTV records and have also talked to employees at the hotel.”
Amit Mishra was in Bangalore in Sept for the training camp before the South African series.
Earlier Shahadat Hossain the Bangladesh national cricketer was as well suspended from all the forms of the game by the BCB as the cops probe allegations that both he and his wife beat their 11 year old maid.
Yunus mentioned, “We have decided to temporarily suspend the cricketer from all sorts of game being organized by the BCB.”