International Cricket Council has sold the transmission rights for next eight years to Indian broadcasters. The Council has not displayed the cost of this big historical agreement but the agreement is about ICC events to be held between 2015 and 2023.
Star India and Star Middle East gained these broadcasting rights. ICC Business Corporation (IBC) took that decision during its meeting on Sunday. After this agreement, 18 ICC events will be held during this 8-year period which includes two ODI world cups of 2019 and 2023, two Champions Trophy events of 2017 and 2021 and two T20 World Cups of 2016 and 2020.
ICC has awarded the combined audio and visual rights in this agreement. The council received 17 bids for transmission agreement. The money of this agreement is not mentioned by ICC but it is told that it is more than the previous commercial agreements. Moreover, the broadcast production rights of host are not included in this agreement which will be decided later.
The process of selling transmission rights started in July 2014 after which tenders were released. Two bidding rounds were held by the council.