Mumbai, ICC refused to take action against Indian captain, Virat Kohli for doing the ball tempering in the first test match against England, which was played at Rajkot. According to the detail, the Indian captain, Virat Kohli did the ball tempering in the first test match and video was surfaced showing him clearly doing the extra shining of the ball after touching the chewing gum so that their bowlers can get advantage of this ball tempering and shining and they can get more wickets. This is the illegal effort to shine the ball after touching the hands with chewing gum.
Now ICC said that this is 9 days old video and no action can be taken on the basis of this video. Under the provision of rules of ICC, it is necessary to report an incident within five days of its occurrence. The cricket lovers and observers demanded with ICC to take action against the accused. However the international cricket council is showing its bias and it refused to take action against him and showing its partiality with the Indian team not the spirit of the cricket. The ICC took action against the captain of South African test cricket team, Faf Du Plessis after proving the ball tempering and he was punished with the imposition of fine of 100% match fee.