Charge sheet against suspended players Sharjeel Khan and Khalid Latif will be presented on Tuesday while these players are facing the danger of ‘life ban’. PCB has also got their confessional video.
Contact with suspicious people was the cause of their suspension. Both these cricketers are in Islamabad United team while they have already been sent to Pakistan. According to reports, Sharjeel received Rs. 500,000 for getting out earlier while Khalid Latif could not get the chance but he was also ready for this purpose.
According to sources, confessional video of both the players are got by PCB and the charge sheet will be present against them till Tuesday. After this, the accused will be allowed to prove their innocence and the case might time a month to complete if these cricketers don’t accept their crime.
Both the cricketers are blaming each other for this situation and said that they were introduced from the suspicious person in order to trap them. But PCB has proves like confessional video, WhatsApp messages etc. According to anti-corruption code of PCB, there is ‘life ban’ for match fixing while 6 month or life ban for not reporting any suspicious contact. Benefit of doubt was given to other players involved in this issue. After the coming forward of this case, two of the cricketers informed ACU about their contact but it was to save themselves from ban.
Few pictures of UK-based buckeye Yousuf with few ‘star cricketers’, have also surfaced and there are reports of closeness of former cricketers with this person. But, they told that they met several fans everyday and they are unaware about their work.
The ACU has also instructed the franchises to strictly implement disciplinary rules on cricketers and these franchises are now taking measures to implement late night curfew rules on their players.