Asia Cup 2018 is being played in India during the month of June or July. The BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) applied for grant of approval from their government and after getting approval, they will make the schedule and other arrangements. The BCCI is desperate with the shifting of the Under 19 tournament from India to Malaysia, when Pakistan asked for the law and order situation in India and Pakistani cricket team will not play their matches on the Indian soil. When India lost the host of the under 19 event, then they think that the Senior Asia Cup can also be shifted from India to some other country.
BCCI said that it is necessary that Pakistan should be included in the Asia Cup as only Asian cricket teams play the Asia Cup in which India and Pakistan are the main contenders. The match between India and Pakistan is the mostly awaited match of the event and people wait to watch this match. If the match between India and Pakistan is not played then the entire Asia Cup will become boring. This is not the mutual series but it is an ICC multiple teams series in which various teams participate. As the under 19 cup was questioned and it was shifted to Malaysia from India. Now there is possibility that the senior Asia Cup may also be shifted to some other country from India.
The cricket series between Pakistan and India is suspended for last many years but both teams play against each other in the ICC events. Both the countries played their two matches during ICC Champions Trophy and the women teams of both countries played against each other in the group stage matches. It is said that Asia Cup will be played during June and July but due to rainy season, the matches of the Asia Cup 2018 can be disturbed and the matches can be played during September and October next year.