New Delhi, Indian cricket board, BCCI has finally declared the names of the players, who will represent India in the coming ICC Champions Trophy. Virat Kohli will lead Indian team in the ICC Champions trophy, which will be started from 01 June in three grounds in UK.
BCCI declared the names of other players, who will be part of the Indian cricket team in this great event, who are Ajinkiya Rahane, Umesh Yadev, Ravi Chandran Ashwin, MS Dhoni, Rohit Sharma, Yuvraj Singh, Shikhar Dhawan, Muhammad Shami, Ravindra Jadeja, Bhunishvar Kumar, Jasprit Bumrah and Hardik Pandiya.
The Indian supreme court and ICC put pressure on the Indian cricket board to decide to play the ICC Champions Trophy event and the most crucial match will be played on 04 June against Pakistan and the ICC Champions Trophy will be played in three grounds in UK and the event will be started from 01 June and it will last for 18 June 2017.