Lahore, Shahid Afridi is leading Pakistani cricketer and he replied to his fans on the social media, when they asked questions from him. He reserved a chat session with the fans on the facebook and he replied thousands of the questions, which are being asked by the fans on the facebook. The fans asked questions about his personal life, career and his future plans from him and he gave the answers of the selected questions. There is huge number of people, who watched the live video session of the cricketer on the social media.
He replied one question and said that he would join Pak army, if he would not be a cricketer as he is proud of Pak army, which has supported Pakistan of all of the fronts. Afridi replied on the question about the farewell match and he replied that it got too late. He showed his regret on the incident of chewing the ball in 2010. Pakistan won T20 world cup in 2009 and he declared this moment, the most memorable moment of his life. They also praised the wonderful efficiency and aggressive batting style of Virat Kohli. When an Indian fan asked question from him to come to India, he replied that Indian people should talk with their government to de-escalate the situation between these two countries. When the relationships between these two countries will be improved, then it will become very easy to come and go to Indian and Pakistan.
When he was advised to join the politics, he said that he has not the temper according to the politics but he enjoys good relationships with the politicians. All of the politicians should remove their differences and they should work for betterment of the country together.