Lahore, Chairman PCB Shehryar Khan wanted to make Misbah, the director of Cricket but his dream is in-completed. He appointed Haroon Rashid on this post instead of brining such a player, well known with the modern cricket. The head of the board, who is also ready to leave the board, his dreams were also ended.
According to the details, the chairman PCB, Shehryar Khan was the active supporter of Misbah ul Haq and he encouraged the services of the captain of the national test team few days earlier and said that he is the senior cricketer and he is higher educated, honored and has excellent personality. He asked that he would appoint him as the Director Cricket to get full advantage of his experience and knowledge about cricket. The English board is getting benefit from the knowledge and experience of Andrew Strauss.
The chairman announced his retirement from the post of head of the board and before his leaving the office of the head of the board, his plans are also finishing. ECB appointed Andrew Strauss because is well known with the international cricket and he has extensive experience of the modern cricket, which can contribute in making the performances of the players at the domestic and international levels. He is 40 years of age and Misbah ul Haq went to West Indies to play the test series to play his final series, the other group in the cricket board completed their project to get appointed Haroon Rashid on the post of Director Cricket.
To bring the improvement in the domestic cricket, Misbah ul Haq and Younis Khan were appointed as the honorary advisor to the chairman PCB but there is change in the board, and the association of these two players with the board cannot be declared sure.