Imran Khan said during an interview that he can visit India on 19th March 2016 to watch the live match between Pakistan and India that will be played for ICC T20 world cup 2016. Imran Khan was the former all rounder and captain of Pakistan cricket team and now he is an important politician who is chairman of political party PTI. Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh was the initial venue of this Pakistan v India match but the venue of Pak v India match was relocated to Kolkata in Western Bengal by ICC due to security problems in Dharamsala. Therefore, now Imran Khan will travel to Kolkata if he visits India to watch the Pakistan vs India match of ICC T20 world cup 2016. This visit by Imran Khan will boost the morale of Pakistan cricket team and can also help to normalize the cricket and sports relations between Pakistan and India.
Watch Imran Khan in Pak vs Ind World T20 2016 at Kolkata