London, British Broadcasting Agency has revealed the match fixing scandal in tennis after cricket. The agency has claimed through some secret documents, and it showed that about 16 players of tennis have been involved in match fixing scandal in various important matches including Wimbledon. However, the report did not show the names of the players, who were involved in the match fixing scandal.
Tennis is included in the most costly games of the world and now the match fixing news are appearing in Tennis. The British Broadcasting agency has revealed this news that 16 most prominent players have been involved in the match fixing in last 10 years. The committee also declared these players suspicious. However, they did not ban these players to play tennis.
In these suspicious players, some grand slam winner players are also included and the committee started the investigation in 2007 and it was revealed that there were some casinos in Northern Italy and Russia, who have been involved in setting the bait on such matches of thousands of the pounds. Among these matches, three matches were played in Wimbledon. It was found that there were about 28 players of tennis, who were found involved in the match fixing and the investigation reports shows the names of these players. It was also recommended in the investigation reports that the investigations should be started against such players. However, no action was taken on the report.