Lahore, Chairman of Pakistan Cricket Board, Shahryar Khan said that Indian cricket board chairman, Shashank Manohar offers more talks on the series between the two countries. He talked with media and said that he received a call from India, from Shashank Manohar and he wished to meet with PCB Chairmen to meet the loss of the home series. On this occasion, the head of BCCI said that India is offering Pakistan to play the matches in Mohali and Kolkatta.
Sheharyar Khan said that they have very clear and transparent objective as Pakistan has already played in India two times and now they have to come to Pakistan. After the response from India, he will talk with the government, then he will give the response to India. He also made it clear to India that whenever any Pakistani comes to India, the Shiv Sinha party and other Hindu extremists stand against them & they do not allow the foreigner players to play in India. The situation in India is not satisfactory, in which Pakistan team can go and perform against India.