For the 16-member winning squad of national team who beat Australia in the test series, Pakistan Cricket Board has announced the cash prize of Rs. 5 lakh each. Rs. 1 million extra will be given to Younis Khan and Misbah-ul-Haq while Rs. 5 lakh each will be given to Zulfiqar Babar and Ahmed Shahzad.
PCB Chairman said during an interview that victory against Australia is very encouraging and the clear mentioning of Misbah’s captaincy has showed results and the performance will help the team in the upcoming World Cup and other events. On white-washing the Australian team, he announced Rs. 5 lakh prize for every member of the team.
Rs. 1 million extra will be granted to Younis and Misbah each for their best performance while Azhar Ali and Zulfiqar Babar each will achieve extra Rs. 5 lakh. Total Rs. 7.5 lakh will be given to Sarfraz Ahmed and Ahmed Shahzad while Rs. 1 lakh additional will be awarded to Yasir Shah for his fine bowling. The other staff including coaches, managers etc. will be given Rs. 3 lakh each. Among all the team-members, total RS. 1 crore, 47 lakh and 50 thousand will be distributed.